< Cola-Cola Zero

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • 23kon0

    That article is friggin scary!
    (May 17 07, 04:26)

    aye the article IS scary. I dont touch any stuff with asparatame in it.

    years ago my mum had went to the docs and said that she was feeling down all the time.
    the first question that he asked her was "do you drink any diet drinks?"
    to which my mum replied yes, we always used to have diet irn-bru in the house.
    he told her to stop drinking it and keep away from asparatame, she did and was fine after that.

    I read something a while back that it gives MS type symptoms to a lot of people. and in a lot of cases where doctors are not familiar with asparatame poisioning, their patients are actually diagnosed WITH MS!!

    mad stuff.

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