
Out of context: Reply #110

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  • flavorful0

    what happens in this thread stays in this thread
    (May 16 07, 12:28)

    One of my 8th grade teachers saw me pick up a fallen student from the ground one time from afar.

    She later told me that it was the actions one does when no one is watching that they show their true character and that she knew there was some good in me.


    She did not see me knock the kids books out of his hands in the first place, and when he reached to get them I pushed him with my foot via his butt into a locker and was helping him up, because I thought I knocked him unconscious and was going to prop him up in an abandoned class like Bernie from Weekend at Bernie ... because I thought that would be hilarious.


    The funny part was that I did this to my friend who I had given the nickname 'Bodeen' much to his displeasure, however, it stuck with him to this day.

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