Any good stories from the weekend?

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  • meffid0

    tottenham court road station, London. 1 block away in a dingy side alley way is a bar with neon lights that say 'the bar' (hanway street) the seats are half full kegs, I assumed they used to be attached to the toilets at some stage.
    I'm shit face drunk about 1am and this dodgy little shit-hole (the size of someone's lounge) starts to kick off and some fine works of art come out of the woodwork.

    my mate says an irish good-bye to me and I find a lovely 30 year old lady who finds it amusing to blow me out the back of this place. The best bit was I don't think we even spoke. I possibly said 'ouch' when she tried to remove my manhood without undoing my belt... that is my story for the week.

    Next week I shall delve into another disgusting drinking establish here in London to bring you MORE stories of a broad (abroad). Please tune in then.

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