Out of context: Reply #75

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  • e-pill0


    this review pretty mush sums my experience to a whole..

    i would like to apologise to anyoe i may have offended if i stood a certain ground of where i felt i needed to stand with the one i dolise so much.

    ETM- you especially i take back all that i had said to you.

    i am deeply hurt that this movie did not reach the expected goals that were preseented during the making of it.

    there became so much overused hype that was taken from the comic lore and stories...that this flick never touched upon.

    i wanted to see spider-man, not spider-man without a mask.

    i wanted to see why eddie brock couldnt be detected with the spider-sense, not boasting oh look i have spider sense!! fuck that!

    venom is all about that tongue!!! lick baby lick and twist it, didnt see it..

    the symbiote is supposed to give its wearer not just stength but a full on make any outfit become invisible do it up, nothing!!!

    i loved watching spidey swing thru nyc, but i agree with the review, it looked like stock photo from the previous to films and not something really new.

    i hated seeing the kids screaming "cool" and"awesome" when spidey/ venom/ sandman/ goblin were battling it took awaay from the scene..

    ..what the fuck..Marvel Team-Up!?!?!? i hate that shit so much!!!

    i love spider-man over the rest of the comics because its 1 character not many like x-men of ff4...team-ups are bullshit!!!

    am i to expect venom just happened to swinging in the alley that sandman just happened to be in??? er..how many alleys does one see in nyc??? i think in my life here i have counted 2. so i guess its possible sandman only had a 50/50 chance of bummping into venom when he did.

    seeing spidey in costume doing his thing made me smile hard, i loved evey miniute of it but i hated that the story felt like it was to scripted and not real enough for m e to remember it...

    i can clearly rememebr scenes from 1 or 2...the story and relationship with peter and his excitment of being a scientist and dealing with otto octavius was great...the visual of peter and doc connors in this plick was done rather poorly...i was disappointed in that very much...

    i have decided to not see this flick a second time and just to wait til video.

    perhaps the movies are just not my rolled up blunt and the books is where i need to stay.

    i still say to everyone go and enjoy this movie, but dont let it rule your world like i let it rule mine, you will be disappointed as i was.

    i love spider-man!!



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