
Out of context: Reply #47

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  • BaskerviIle0

    Just got back from lunch and this looks to be getting a bit silly.

    I know some of you want to know what happened:

    First of all, I obviously regret speaking my mind so publically on here. I think you get to know some people on NT and forget that there are so many other people reading than those you intend. I learned an important lesson about using the internet, one I will not forget. But at the same time, I feel people can learn from my story.

    I managed to turn a mistake around by facing my problem face on. I went to see the company concerned which was not easy, and they were a great group of people. We took time to view eachother's work and we were both impressed, they have some really great work in their archive. I actually enjoyed the experience and I ended up seeing them again and I met more of their team.

    I have now accepted a job offer elsewhere with a branding agency which I am looking forward to starting in a month's time.

    I think 2 things can be learned from this experience:
    1) be careful what you say publically, be careful not to jump the gun.
    2) face up to your problems and they may turn out not to be that bad.

    that is all I have to say on the matter. I hope I can put it behind me now and continue posting (sensibly) on NT.
    Overall I have had positive things come from using NT – a profile of my work in a magazine, contacts from all over the place, help with web design problems etc.

    As you were.

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