Pittsburgh ...

Out of context: Reply #81

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  • flavorful0

    Haha Jaline, speaking of kids, I put girls thru "tests", where I see exactly how far I can push them to the edge to see how they will react.

    I do this usually early, as ... well why waste time I say.

    This one girl asked if I wanted to do something one nite, and I said I would love to, but I was going to stay in and watch my kids with my mom.

    There was some silence.

    So I informed her, I have two kids, Antonio and Lucciano, and that they were in fact twins.

    She (with brownie points in tact) went they must be so cute, blah, blah, blah, and I went yea but they do not look a like but they each have their qualities.

    So she then said that that meant they were not fraternal or whatever.

    To which I retorted, Well no shit they are from two different mothers.

    I am almost in tears holding in my laughter on the phone picturing her facial expression.

    And she takes it in stride, and goes well that is different, I hope they grow up to be best friends and I can’t wait to meet them.

    At this point, now I am looking in the phone in shock and quickly kind of finish the conversation as I think I know what is happening.

    She is calling my bluff.

    So I quickly got in contact with most of our mutual friends on AIM and let them know the information they needed to provide when she would undoubtedly ask.

    This works like a charm, and everyone is loving the joke.

    Until someone spilled the beans a few days later, hahah.

    She had been talking to someone who didn’t have AIM at school about how it was so weird that I had two kids to which he laughed and debunked that theory.

    She was pissed, but appreciated the joke (and probably was relieved).

    It took her 4 years to get me back, haha.

    But I knew after she passed that test, that she was someone I could be friends with for awhile, haha.

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