Wim Crouwel Interviews

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • _salisae_0

    am i the only one who thinks wim crowell is kinda...well...bulls hit? I mean it looks like he just wanted to do what he wanted regardles of client. It sounds like he stretches his explainations of why he did what he did on each project. i mean his shit's dope but...come on!!! no one understands the theory behind his work unless he explains it.

    sorry, i just hate designers who design for designers and not for the general public.
    (Apr 16 07, 05:35)

    as he states in the second .mov he designs for himself a slight bit more than he designs for the public. (aesthetic vs. function)

    you can only respect that. it's not like he wasn't aware of the balance that needed to be struck.

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