Future of music packaging

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  • Meeklo0

    I sometimes hate the idea that my daughters will sift through my music collection while never actually touching or seeing the packaging.

    I'd would much rather they find them in a box in the attic or in my office and play the first ones based on the covers they like.
    (Apr 13 07, 08:34)

    I agree..
    seeing a list of files on a computer screen is certainly not attractive, coverflow has a good analogy of the concept "fliping through record covers" but you loose a big part of the sensorial experience. Its not the same.

    Plus, 10 years ago a music fan will have a bookshelf full of records or cds, very different from someone who really does not care much about music, that may have 1 or 2 wallets of ripped cds (that friends gave him probably) today, those 2 people can carry very different ammounts of music in the same small medium (mp3 player)

    its a bit weird you know?
    yes you save space, with is a good thing but you loose that sense of owning an object I guess..

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