Guitar Hero Xbox 360

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  • flavorful0

    I played this over the weekend as my little cousin (who is taller than me...) just got it.

    It is fucking awesome.

    I mean really awesome.

    I love it.

    I also played the Wii on Friday at my one friend’s house for the first time and I have to say I was equally impressed with it.


    I really think I am getting both, hahah.

    I want to find out more about the downloadable tracks for Guitar Hero II, like can I get the original songs from the first one?

    Can I get more?

    I’m more of a drum person myself and never really had an inkling to learn an actual guitar so this was really fun.

    Take it for what it is all the bashers, haha.

    My little cousin was getting 5 stars on expert level on some songs and he has, and has had no inkling to ever pick up a real guitar because he just wants to play this for fun.

    Just like me.

    This thing is just really fucking fun.

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