Palo Alto Salaries

Out of context: Reply #24

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  • madirish0

    glad to help any way i can. i know exactly what you mean about the costs of items there and those being 'problems' to the move. while i do not know amounts exactly, i could see day care running thta much pretty easily. on the contrary, I know there are solutions for child care that would not be this much, and could be more communal, depending on what part of the bay area you live in. in the berkley/oakland area, i know community co-op child care is becoming more popular, for example.

    re: experientia- no, i do not know them, but their background and work is very similar to mine and i always am fascinated by those in the experience design arena. there are not many who have been at it this long. i would very much like to be in contact with them, however.

    re: your portfolio- i kind of thought that might be the situation. ;) it would be sweet to see what you have been doing lately. i might email you if you are interested. funny enough, it looks like i am going through a very similar situation and may be joining something of a startup again here. we will see.

    all the best and let me know if you would like any more assistance about the bay area. oh, and one of my good friends from Israel moved to Autin, TX but might be moving again to cali. :)

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