MacBook 13-inch

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  • rafalski0

    I have a 13.3" blackbook, pimped to 2GB and a 7200RPM drive.
    It is normally hooked up to a keyboard, a mouse and a 20" LCD.

    It's way too small for any real design work on its screen, at least on a regular basis. Also the shiny LCD sucks BIG TIME - unusable on a sunny day outside.
    I usually unplug it and take it for trips abroad, watch movies on the planes and so on. Perfect for that.
    You could present to a client on it, but I guess a 15" would be more impressive.
    I love the practical rounded design and best features are magnetic latch and a great keboard - both missing on the 15.4" pro.

    CS2 sucks big time on my mb, chokes, gets really slow and no more than 2 CS2 apps can be open at one time. Photoshop CS3 is fine though. Dreamweaver has annoying lags, it's much faster when you launch a windows version through parallels.
    New apple stuff will premiere in 2 weeks time, it's the worst time to buy new apple equipment now. All new stuff will be discounted as refurbs soon (not instantly, they need to sell gazillion new models first) and as rumor goes, a 15.4" macbook is in the making.

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