KFC video

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • ninjasavant0

    I had a militant PETA member as a sociology prof my first year in college. All we did was read Night by Elie Weisel and watch PETA vids. Oh, and then there was our first assignment of reading a 52 page paper he wrote about who he was in a former life and how he had contacted the surviving family. Freakin nut job.

    Anyway, the way I see it is killing is killing humane or not the end result is the same. I don't understand the argument of how animals are treated before they are destined to die at their prime for food. Most people who make that argument don't eat meat usually so I give them credit for that but to me its one or the other. You either support the whole animals as food/clothing industry or you don't support them entirely.

    I guess I don't see much grey area here.

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