Out of context: Reply #38

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    e-pill let me refute your points

    first- the cost of living has nothing to do with your income, it has every thing to do with the cost of goods and services in a given area.

    "what i mean is each person will earn a very different salary and live a very different lifestyle."

    Thank You captain obvious.

    Second- Oppurtunities are everywhere, they are just harder to find in cities without the benefits of huge populations and mega corporations. I would even venture to say that only a supreme entrepreneurial spirit is able to be successful in a smaller city, because there oppurtunities are more obscure and one has to be more focused.

    Third- Competition is an internal device, either you have it or you don't. moving to NyC, or any major city, is not going to breed a competitive person.

    Fourth- what is with the obscene name calling from you and jevad? one would think that the creative community of NyC would come up with more intelligent and constructive critisicims of my post.

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