Out of context: Reply #24

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  • e-pill0


    what is cost of living where you are?

    its hard to explain how much cost of living here is as its very different for everyone.

    what i mean is each person will earn a very different salary and live a very different lifestyle.

    nyc has many ooportunities to offer that a smaller populated city will not.

    as dino said nyc is open 24 hours 7 days a week, meaning if you need anything, well anything is available to you aat any given time.

    i doubt you can afford such luxuries where you live or else nyc would not be what it is today.

    you really need to make aa trip here yourself and live its nature for yourself.

    as a new yorker, i love it here, i have traveled around the world and worked in asia, europe, and america and i can say that each place is very different but for value of living if you dont make a strong salary here your cost of living will be for nothing.

    you may be better where you are, but reallyy you will never know til you try.

    also nyc is extremely competitive, and if you want to make it here that competition will keep you in check, and make you stronger than ever, so its always a win win situation if you can manage the lifestyle and make it work for you.

    good luck!!


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