< Nate Smith

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • 11 Responses
  • imnotnate0

    hehe i totally agree with you... it is "horribly unintuitive"

    if anyone cares where i'm coming from with it:

    i was studying for my level 1 professional avalanche course (which i'm in the middle of right now) and i was drawing some symbols in illustrator that represent different snow compression test results to help me study.

    i decided to whip up a quick nav based on a snow pit. for those that don't know, you basically dig a big hole in the snow and then investigate the layers and do a bunch of sciency shit with it.

    hence, as with a snow pit, with the nav on my site you have to 'dig through the snow' and find layers. each layer tells a story... of a snowfall, a bond to a different layer, or, in this case, a project.

    different projects are given different thicknesses and symbols representing various things, as with snow.

    from more of a design angle - i definitely wasn't trying to make it usable, i was trying to have a bit of fun and i do hope that (while not intuitive)you at least find it interesting!

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