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Out of context: Reply #72

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    I hear you are an arsenal fan. I also hear you and jazx watch arsenal games at the local pub. I would like to know why the fuck am I not invited?

    Arsenal fan.
    (Mar 12 07, 10:00)


    Shit buddy, if you're ever in Pittsburgh feel free to meet up with us. Our usual pub has been under water since their pipes burst, but this weekend should be their grand re-opening (bit of irony, the pub is called Piper's, haha).

    I usually end up missing Wednesday games with the jay-ohh-bee and all though. :X

    I was down in Tampa last weekend and was going to meet up with OSFA for the game against Reading a bit ago...

    But he's a bunny foo foo... ?


    Actually I gave him like an hour's notice and then hit a flight, hahah.

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