Captain America

Out of context: Reply #25

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  • k0na_an0k0

    hahaha. Cap is the Spirit of America and all that was/is good.

    When he lost Civil War (please pay special attention as to how it relates to 9/11, the government, it's Patriot Act and the common sense that it's just a load of sugar coated crap) it sent a nasty message that the government always wins and is always right.

    Now they're killing off that Spirit and you're cool with it? Damn.

    Cap was always one of my favorite heroes.

    in Civil War he said fuck blind patriotism in favor of doing what was right. The whole message hits close to home with what is going on in America today.

    Sorry if it is over your heads.

    Oh. And Cap never did steroids. Do you honestly think Captain AMERICA, THE perfect human soldier who embodied all that was good in the USA would have been written in as taking steroids to get big? hahaha. Laughable.

    The Super Soldier Serum altered his genetics/DNA. Heroin does that? Steroids do that? Shit... this natural bodybuilding thing I've got all wrong.
    *runs out to buy heroin

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