Jesus Tomb

Out of context: Reply #232

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  • gramme0

    I mean if he knew he was going to die and rise up, why the forsaken statement? Who forsook him if he IS the embodiment off god on earth? If it was all neatly pre-ordained, why the moment of spiritual doubt.

    Just saying. Either way, in all seriousness, it's one of the most sublime scenes in the NT for me. Made Jesus totally human to me...
    (Feb 28 07, 13:00)

    I'll take the bait.

    Jesus said "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me" as he was dying on the cross because, being God, he had never known what it was like to experience hell. I believe that he actually experienced hell while hanging on the cross. The definition of hell here being the complete absence of God. God left him, utterly abandoned and in the dark, for the first time in eternity. This was necessary for the sacrifice to be complete, and for it to be enough. And yes, this is Jesus being very human, and afraid beyond what we could ever fathom. He was fully God and fully man.

    That's why it was news to him. He knew he had to do it, he just had never suffered hell before (being perfect and having lived in eternity as part of the Trinity before he came to earth, etc. etc.)

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