An inconvenient truth

Out of context: Reply #98

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  • maxB0

    mrdobolina you're still trying to pick a fight.

    look at half the comments to the site mimio posted.

    Hypocrite-–noun 1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
    2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.
    That pretty much sums up this guy. But hey, he won a ridiculous Hollywood movie award. I bet he flew in a private jet to the ceremony.

    — Posted by Jim

    Buying carbon offsets may assuage the rich man’s guilt, but it will never solve global warming. When Al Gore sells his family mansion to house offices for a foundation on global warming and third-world development problems, and then moves to a truly sustainable way of life I will believe his commitment to the human “moral issue” he so assiduously parrots.

    — Posted by aeneas

    While I appreciate the importance of being carbon neutral, I think not being carbon neutral on 15,500 KWH is still better than being carbon neutral using 191,000 KWH. In taking a Kantian approach and willing the behavior (use of 191,000 carbon neutral KWH) to become universal law, carbon neutrality becomes irrelevant. Tone it down Gore! You can live a perfectly happy 15,500 KW life and be much kinder to the environment (great movies aside).

    — Posted by JRM

    It amazes me that someone supposedly leading the fight for conservation and who has plenty of money would not make the effort to create a house that was as energy efficient as possible. Set an example Mr. Gore!!! Put some solar panels on the roof, insulate, get the most energy efficient furnaces and air conditioning available! Would Bill Gates use a Mac?? Come on!!

    — Posted by whitney

    and even the 'correct' numbers are said to be a 'hog'

    gfy partner. nt is fed up with you spouting the same shit different day. also, i think a bitter attitude should be factored in there somehow theblueone.

    it's funny mrdobolina how your attitude changed after i called you out on being such a bitter prick. don't kid yourself into thinking that you can instantly change the publics perception of you in a few 'happier' and 'nicer' posts. you done ruined that long ago.

    in case you forgot...

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