An inconvenient truth

Out of context: Reply #81

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  • maxB0

    madirish go back to my post and read it again. i never called him a hypocrite. i read 3 different news stories all about the subject and two of them were calling it 'an inconvenient truth', and i laughed about that fact. i think you read into what little i posted way too much.

    and on the 'bigger person' issue. that's something mrdobolina has shown time and time again on nt, he'll never be the bigger person. he's an instigator and loves the drama. look at his thread topics for god's sake. if he wasn't always loooking for a fight do you think he'd post a topic saying 'jesus tomb' wtf up with this? HE'S WANTING A FIGHT TRYING TO CALL OUT A FEW KEY NTERS HERE. he'll never be the bigger man. sorry if i don't think it's right to act nice to a guy who's such an out of control cock to other people. he's bitter and he takes it out here in his threads he baits for a figtht.

    sorry if i'm the only guy here who has the balls to say it.

    i know life is too short, that's why i post as less as i do. i got other shit going on. you SHOULD be saying that to him.

    sorry madirish. i don't want to argue with you.

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