NY Virgin

Out of context: Reply #22

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  • 62 Responses
  • edd-e0

    where are you staying?
    are you comming with your family?
    is this business or pleasure?
    how long is your stay?
    what do you want out of NYC?
    what things have you heard about seeing in nyc your whole life?

    i ssay go take a tour of Radio City Music Hall, Empire State Building,
    goto the roof of the General Electric Building, go walk into every lobby of every building you can and take a gander at the archeture and the art deco styling in general, walk from midtown to downtown, in the business financial area of midtown has some esuper fantastic interiors that honestly from outside you would never know, take a trip to Harlem and see the Apollo Theater...its dope!! if the weaather is ok, visit the Bronx Zoo, if you like classical music the 92nd St YMCA has the most slammingest accoustics in the entire city for strings and horns, visit Long Island City and take a "7" train to Court Square [PS1] and "the 5 points" and see a lot of grafitti covering an entire building top to bottom, goto the Bronx and grab a camera and treasure hunt out the grafitti.

    have fun be safe keep your wallet in your front pocket and dont stare up...


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