No Evolution No Way

Out of context: Reply #134

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  • flagellum0

    The same goes for all creationist literature, thats why its so easily dismissed.

    (Jan 10 07, 13:01)

    And the ad hominems keep-a-comin. *yawn

    Yes, so easily dismissed that Darwinists in their frenzied terror keep writing paper after paper and book after book trying to address the arguments.

    It's notable that brookoioi lumps any finding which implies design as "creationist literature". Keep up the good work, you are why science will prevail over your materialistic ideology. People like you and Dawkins are the best thing that could ever happen to ID, etc...

    By the way, creationists don't care much for ID'ists and want to distance themselves from them. Also, most the ID proponents I know are agnostics. So, factor that into your nice neat little equation.

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