Supplement Packaging Feedback

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • k0na_an0k0

    spookDD. Those are a nice start but after your explanation of the direction you intended to go, I think you need to rethink your target audience.

    To be honest, most guys who buy supplements don't care much about what's on the container, they care about the ingredients of what's in it.

    If you want the industrial look make it industrial. Make the containers barrels and give them old school worn/torn/jaded labels like something you'd see on a construction site.

    go to and look around at some of the supplements there. There's a lot of flashy crap and in my experience the flashier = shittier product trying to get a persons attention on a shelf.

    I think what you have is a nice start, but they're a bit feminine and light. They need to be a bit bolder, and if you want the industrial look a bit stronger.

    Nice start though. Keep pushing.

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