Wii Morning Hours

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • enjine0

    yeah e-, i play a few games when i'm not super busy, but i couldn't pass this thing up. i found a place where you can order hardware to connect to a pc or mac and get x, y, z axis and tilt data... like the wii controlers. i plan on writing some visualizations for it and figured it would be cool to see what nintendo has done with the technology first.

    japan is going to be amazing... it's fucking awesome yr going to be hooked up while yr there too.

    the monitor is flipped vertically like that because of the nvidia software drivers i use. i'd imagine a mac could do it too, but i don't know. i keep one horizontal for browsing and photoshop/illustrator and one monitor vertical for reading and coding. it's a great setup.

    drop me a line if you're going out at all before your trip-

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