flash question

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • 8 Responses
  • PonyBoy0

    well... if you want to do it via a timeline...

    ... set up a button on the first frame of a movieClip... give that frame a stop() action. Now - you need an 'in' animation and an 'out' animation... but you need that button to cover the entire span of both animations. So - first layer of your movieclip is a button that is invisible.

    then - for the button's rollover state - send the MC to play frame two which will have your second movie clip animating the alpha channel up (this occurs on a diff layer than the button instance). Have that animation also 'stop()'... then on the buttons rollOut script... have the mc animate out and return to the beginning of the timeline where the initial 'stop()' resides.

    ... hope that makes sense... I'm digging for a tutorial for you... but coming up short right now... I'll look again in a bit. :)

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