Martha Stewart Rocks

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • exador0

    funny parody..
    but i'm half in clayko's camp...

    if she did get inside info, then she should pay the penalty whatever that is....
    but i think all she netted was 45Gs..
    not exactly a windfall..for someone with her resources..
    so if she did get it, then fine her, or whatever...make her cough up the dough re mi...

    but if she really did have a call in to trade if it reached a certain value, then lay off..
    for chrissakes..i don't see anyone going after bush for some of the things he's done...
    when ENRON, Adelphia or Halliburton are still able to steel billions of dollars or corrupt politicians,..i think i can let martha slide for 45gs.

    then again, thats just me...

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