David Carsons work..

Out of context: Reply #26

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    I think the past decade or so of having his ego massaged has either got to him or he just started out being a self-enclosed arse. He speaks about being "self-indulgent" in his work, and he certainly brings (brought) very new ideas and ways of seeing to the table, but above all the things he says and his perspective on his OWN work, regardless of what other people think of it, just seems so so arrogant and proud to the point of bringing it all down. Like a kid in art class who thinks he is the best, his parents tell him he is the best, and when he speaks to other kids in the class, he speaks down to them or from upon high, because he "knows" he is better than them.

    That is bullshit.

    Very interesting work, not much to say for himself.

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