habeas corpus

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • PonyBoy0

    SRSLY... (then back to the zombies!!)...


    habeas corpus will be suspended to those marked as 'enemy combatants'...

    ... now tell me - do you really think Bushy's gonna start pinning that label on just ANYONE?

    I doubt that...

    ... as for the wiretaps... GOOD! They're tapping the twits talking to other nations and it's a rather 'sophisticated' screening system... I know they're not on my phone...

    ... and if they are - how come they haven't come and busted me the countless direct calls to my buddy who scores my weed?

    As k0na The Mighty stated above...

    ... 'relax, the gov. is not out to get you'.

    There's a difference in thinking here, dobs - one I don't think we'll get passed:

    The Left thinks this Administration is a greedy imperialistic warring machine - the Right thinks the U.S. is at war.

    ah yes... 'war'...

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