Muslims offended by Apple Store

Out of context: Reply #49

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  • pavlovs_dog0

    ...and that rushdie interview cactus just posted is very good.

    this is something i've never heard in the "media"

    "" Within this Talibanist morality, there is room for great slabs of delusion and hypocrisy. In Shalimar the Clown, Rushdie shows sparingly how the jihadi fighters of Afghanistan have sex with adolescent boys, and the next day chop to pieces men they have dubbed "homosexual". "One of the great untold stories of al-Qa'ida is that they are all these men who fuck little boys. They all have these disciples who they're ostensibly training in the way of the warrior, but they're also enjoying. For a while, then they go off - and they have their wives and families at home. It's like Classical Greece." Does he think Osama bin Laden has done it? "I wouldn't like to say," he says tactfully. "He's an Arab, he's not an Afghan. But Mullah Omar, he's another story..." ""

    ultra religious fundamentalists have been known to? ...but i'd need more than one reference.

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