Cold War Kids

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • GreedoLives0

    Sorry, off topic rumination here apropos cold war:

    I grew up near the old east german border, in a town with a huge US military installation in it (+/- 12,000 military personnel in a 50K town); we constantly had tank columns on the road going off to maneuvers and extremely loud low-level flyovers by fighter planes practicing bombing runs towards the east german border. Once a month they'd test the air raid sirens, which was pretty freaky, but probably even freakier for the older folks who remembered having the town bombed to pieces in WW2 (like my dad). Every now and then, on the Autobahn, some careless motorist would get in the middle of a tank column and would get run over when the tank driver behind him/her didn't see them brake. The local farmers loved it when the tanks would tear through their fields since the Army would reimburse for the total value of the field for that year, even though oftentimes they managed to have half a harvest still on the field afterwards and made double what they usually made.

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