
Out of context: Reply #38

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    *Steps up the to podium.

    *taps microphone

    *clears throat

    I've got 5 years of back council tax that I just got the bill for (don't ask weird situation whereas they didn't know we existed and I thought I could get away with it) of approximately £7k. I'm getting evicted from my 3,500 square foot warehouse live/work space along with my flatmates. I have a CCJ against me for not paying my Inland Revenue tax bill. I have to be out by October 1st. I haven't yet found a place to live. One of my clients just went into administration that owes me a lot of money. And I'm pushing 30 this year.

    No worries though. I've got loads of well paid work on and in the pipeline. I was getting tired of where I was living anyways despite the fact that I built it myself and invested nearly £12k into it. It's time for a big fuck off party, a change in pace, a clean slate, and to seperate my work/live lifestyle that was dragging me down. Sometimes these things happen for a reason. Yes, it's all entirely my fault but running your own thing is a calculated risk and I don't have a family to support.

    All in all, sometimes I'm at my most optimistic and happiest when my world is crumbling around me and my feet have touched rock bottom. Nothing makes me feel more alive.

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