9/11: 5 years onward

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • JKristofer0

    I was 6 blocks from those towers the day they dropped. I watched both come down and actually stood in the middle of the street next to a car that had all 4 doors open and the radio blasting. There were about 20 people surrounding the car (including myself) to get what information we could get. After hearing that the Pentagon had been hit, I thought I should begin to find my way off the island. I turned to find my way out of the crowd and literally bumped into the chest of Willem Dafoe. Talk about fucking surreal.

    I walked over the Brooklyn Bridge to get home. That walk took me 4 hours and I found my wife and mother crying watching the TV when I arrived. I had no way of communicating to them letting them know I was safe the entire 4-5 hours.

    My sister was MIA for the same amount of time, then came through the door completely dust covered. Horrible day.

    Folkert was driving cross-country that week for the first time. He noticed in one day an enormous amount of American flags on lawns and on cars, then found the news later that day. Had he not been driving cross-country he would have been with me and shared that day like I did.

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