wear for interview?

Out of context: Reply #37

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  • k0na_an0k0

    I'm under the impression that people that deal with more creative content are in a more creative mindset in terms of dress.

    the last interview i went to had a guy in a new era cap and skate shoes interviewing me alongside a woman in a suit ... so it was pretty split

    advice / opinions?
    (Sep 6 06, 17:49)

    you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

    yes designers are more creative, in their clothing as well, but not messy, and you're going to be a professional.

    if you want to get creative, but be professional try this.

    black square tip dress boots
    silver or gray socks (it will pull in the tie)
    charcoal dress slacks
    black pinstripe dress shirt. roll the sleeves.
    silver tie loose around the neck.

    like that but way less gay and way more buttons buttoned. it's clean, professional but has a creative twist on things.

    for interviews, dress nice. the jeans come after you get hired.

    they want to know you can look presentable when a client comes in or when they have to send you to a client.

    good luck.

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