dealing with clients

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  • tommyo0

    My partner and I always had problems like this. So we were chatting one day and came up with a slightly unorthodox approach and it really really works. To this day we've yet to have anyone complain. We've gone back and forth a few times between the old 'present 3 logos' and our new way and every stinking time the old way backfires on us with the problems you're having.

    New way:
    - Charge more ($1500 for the project)
    - Provide ONE logo in a well thought out proposal. Including mocked up logo on business card, full explanations of the mark and we tell a bit of a story behind the identity. Also we usually include a page in the presentation dedicated to the marks limitations,

    We come up with three to four marks, but we will only present them one at a time. Only once have we had a client ask to see 'more'. I think the main thing is that we used to just assume that the client would see the story behind each mark. They don't. So when they get to see a fully thought out presentation explaining everything about the mark, get to see it in use and experience it's potential they'll usually fall in love.

    In contrast when you provide 3+ choices you usually can't sit down and explain each choice, then the client has too much choice. Kind of like if you go to a bar and three gorgeous ladies walk up, you know you can only have'll inevitably start getting picky to get the 'right' one...unfortunately with design they'll feel like they can mix and match boobies (mark), faces (type) and personalities (color).


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