Legal action?

Out of context: Reply #34

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    this is blantantly a direct rip and not someone who has taken inspiration from ricstultz work. ric has tried to contact them and they have ignored him.

    I'm not saying the purpose of blogging about it is to ruin ppl's lives and the explanation you give sven_sk of this kid who's life was ruined, is fairly extreme.

    as ric said he's not got the cash for legal action so what should he do? sit back and let it ride , not get paid and let them promote their festival with it to make $. If ppl rip and get away with it only encourages them and others to do it again.

    do you think they dont make dollar from this festival?

    The only person who is going to get affected by this is ric who's been ripped and not payed his royalties.

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