Agency life

Out of context: Reply #24

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  • Gucci0

    CyBrain... i feel you, man.

    I worked 148 hours in one week 4 weeks ago.
    My system is completely fucked up because of it. I find I can't sleep as well as I used to before that hellish week. It's crazy. Middle of the year and already my body has quit on me. Being burnt out is a terrible thing. I'm planning a wedding with my fiancee too, and the strain of work is a bit much. Not to mention my boss insists we give our cell phone numbers to clients, so I can have them calling me to insist they need something in their inbox 1 hour before they get their fat asses out of bed in the morning.

    Like the other folks said. There are options... options I'm planning on exploring sooner than later myself. Hope you do the same.

    Best of luck mate, I'll drown my sorrows in a virtual beer with you. But not for long.
    Happy days are ahead.

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