About dem hurricanes..

Out of context: Reply #113

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  • garett_west0

    GW, I'm trying to take you seriously, but what is going on with you here...yeah Smog is a localized condition when ground pollution interacts with geological/climate conditions, but...umm...er...wit hout the pollution sp[ewing humans there'd be no collection of it, regardless of atmopspheric/geologi cal conditions. Just not following you here bud...
    (Aug 10 06, 10:02)

    Last thing I'm gonna say before I split.

    My point is smog would exist over every city in the world, as they all produce various types of pollution, but natural land geology basins trap in smog in certain cities around the world so people can see it, and have something visible to fear.

    It does not mean those cities produce more pollution than others, they are just unfortunate enough the have all the variables necessary to produce the visible smog.

    With all the other cities it gets dissapated into the atmosphere or blown away and what have you.

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