Time Machine

Out of context: Reply #22

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  • PonyBoy0

    hahaha... 'flux capicitor'...'mr. fusion'...

    .... seriously though... when I press delete... I should probably want to delete it... right? Not to mention the trash which stores all the shit until you kill it again...

    ... what's the compression like? I kill files to free up space on my drive... if there's a permanent 'back-up'... what kind of compression are they using and where are they storing it?...

    ... and really... this tool is for 'tools'... not folks such as yourselves who should have running back-ups of your work. :)

    I keep two external drives of everything I work on... which seems a little smarter to me...

    I find being able to 'restore' anything fishy... because it MUST BE compressed and stored somewhere on your local drive (and taking up storage and paging files space)... meaning... why the f%ck do you even have a delete key?

    nah mean?

    this would be a feature I'd 'turn off' if you have the option.

    Give me the power in the chips and the processor... I don't need the 'tard tools...

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