Client stole our comps

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • monkeyshine0

    nmata, can you state a case where a court has thrown a case out or sided with a company on this issue? It is my understanding that the designer doesn't own the brand but does own the artwork created for the brand. Again, I'm no lawyer and this is mostly from AIGA information gathering.

    I think the relevance of this is if Company X comes to me and says we need a logo / identity system but we are a mom & pop store with only a local market, my fee would be much less than if an international corporation comes to me and says the same...and I have in fact done some design work for a large corporation who bought out there must be some legal ground here.

    Speaking of lawyer-speak, someone said to me this a.m...DAMN Benjamin Franklin for such convoluted language! :)

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