shooting your friends

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • anayafx0

    i used to paintball like a mutha back in the day......
    this one day some friends and I where playing an outlaw game at a river wash in socal...

    We run across these other guys and decide to play against them, we all crono our guns... we where all shooting hot 350fps and up!! during one of the games my friend was crawling trhu some brush on all fours... some guy comes up behind him and shoots him in the NADS! he instantly colapses and pukes on the spot! imagine a welt on your family jewels! ..... We actually played about 2 more games before my friend was able to get up and kinda walk.

    moral of the story, keep your gun shooting below 285fps and if you come up behind someone during a game, please aim off-center at the soft fleshy padded stuff!!!!!
    Dough! those things hurt like a mutha!

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