simple pleasures

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • khilled0

    the last time I went for beer i bought two fax 7.7
    tall boys and a becks. a budget minded beer drinker
    knows his options and this combo would bring me
    through to a 2am bedtime with ease. that day I walked
    out of work jar locked with a bitter tinge of
    anxiety in my heart. bad fucking day and a passive
    aggressive chit chat about protocal with a
    straight faced employer. an otherwise human type of
    person, we chuckled, he had to put out to tame this raging
    challenge to power and influence, a two way street,
    bustling within me. we talked, I asked him if he
    had a fucking swear jar, and left. then went three
    floors down an elevator into a thick wall of noise.

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