Dell laptop

Out of context: Reply #27

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  • Jaline0

    thanks for the suggestions. I think I'm okay with the screen size since it never was a big deal for me before. I watch films and everything, but I never put the films to full-size because I watch them by myself, and therefore the screen would be too big if it was full-screen (since the laptop just sits on my lap). I'm also glad the Dell is lightweight, since I will need to bring it around to school with me every once in a while. It's a bit thicker than the Toshiba though.

    As for the RAM, my previous computer only had like 512MB, so I'm quite alright with the 1GB. My work computer only has 256, which sucks but I'm not the type to complain about it. In fact, it didn't bother me too much until other co-workers told me about it and suggested that I ask the company to get me a better computer, since I'm the designer and everything.

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