Rice arrives in Lebanon

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • garett_west0

    (Link below Vespa)

    Israeli warheads have completely different casings than a hezbollah rocket. If you look at some of the pictures of cars and trucks being hit by the Israeli air force the impact zone is quite small. More the size of an RPG or rocket than a 500lb. bomb dropped from an F-16. And, ever see the size of a shell shot from an artillery cannon? It could take out 4 cars, not one.

    Here is the link. I copied the important text...


    "It should be obvious by now that Hezbollah and Hamas actually want the Israeli military to kill as many Lebanese and Palestinian civilians as possible. That is why they store their rockets underneath the beds of civilians. That is why they launch their missiles from crowded civilian neighborhoods and hide among civilians. They are seeking to induce Israel to defend its civilians by going after them among their civilian ``shields." They know that every civilian they induce Israel to kill hurts Israel in the media and the international and human rights communities. They regard these human shields as ``Shahids," or martyrs, even if they did not volunteer for the lethal jobs."

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