< Janet Jackson

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • harlequino0

    i think this is an issue in all creative professions with the proliferation of technology. everyone is a designer / writer / musician / dj / etc.. we're drowning in the noise!
    (Jul 20 06, 08:56)

    I agree wholeheartedly. But crap is always still crap, and genius is genius. So hopefully the creme rises to the top despite the readily available technology.

    I went to a music conservatory and developed a real reverence for serious music academia. I get very upset when people fawn over these American Idol fucktards and any idiot who picks up a guitar. And I am frequently shy about my lack of design training, despite that I make a living in it.

    Then again, Lennon, The Ramones, Hillman Curtis, David Lynch, Matthew Barney--all these cats came from something else, and ultimately created inspiring work. So the creme rises to the top.

    So yeah, there's a point in there somewhere. :)

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