< Gnotorious

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • flavorful0

    Thus furthering my point you have no absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

    Did you listen to the album?

    Did you?

    You didn't.

    Because you know why?

    You're like most of the others in this section of NewsToday who get on their "other" name when you want to respond a certain way.

    If you listened to the album, you'd realize that the person simply laid Biggie Acapellas over Gnarls Barkely Instrumentals.

    Groundbreaking to say the least...

    What made this even more groundbreaking is the total LACK of doing anything else.

    They probably just opened up their music editing software and matched up BPMs because if you DID listen to the album, you'd realize that the vocals are NOT on beat ... unless that is what you mean by revolutionary.

    Technically I think U-God has the copyrite on rhyming off beat, but that's a different thread.

    Even in places where one would find it almost unconcious to cut out the beat on certain phrases, or breaks ... it is left alone.

    Or to speed up the voice so that it would match ... not even attempted.

    There is absolutley nothing ground breaking about this.

    Ground breaking WAS Danger Mouse creating his OWN beats off of an entire album snares, drums, riffs, etc.

    Not some internet dj putting one MP3 to WAV file over MP3 to WAV file.

    Now shut the fuck up and get back on your other name to talk about something you may have at least one iota of.

    That's what's super real.

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