
Out of context: Reply #7043

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  • GreedoLives0

    There's some heavy shit going on at the moment.
    My gf comes from a very large family, on both sides. A cousin of hers, on her mothers side, was just murdered over the weekend. This was found out when the fire department was called to his house to put out a room fire, where they found his heavily burned body on the bed. When they attempted to move the body, they saw "something suspicious" and called in the police, who promptly started a murder investigation.
    At the time of the fire, there was a memorial service for a friend of the murdered cousin who diseappeared on the 4th of July while they were all taking a boat ride in Boston harbor. There were 4 people on board (the murdered cousing being one of them) and apparently, the boat broke down, one kid decided to try to swim to land to get help and was never seen again. So while this memorial service is going on, someone murders my gf's cousin and tries to destroy the evidence by burning his body. I can't help but connect the two.
    Here's the offical Globe story:…

    I knew this kid, he was definitely a hot shit, but fundamentally a good person. His father, my gf's uncle, has had a lifelong gambling problem, got his start in the 60s betting on the local fair horseraces and has been hooked ever since. He's disappeared for several years before and is currently on some severe IRS payment plan to pay for back taxes and unreported gambling earnings. His father (my gf's grandfther) owned a profitable newsstand business in town, which he systematically gambled away after he took it over. I'm afraid of what he might do if he ever finds out who did it, he hangs around some suspicious cats and is just the type to dispense his own justice...

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