Clueless Pro Lifer

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • Jaline0

    hahahaha, what an idiot. His follow-up is even worse!

    "Needless to say, a few people wanted to let me know that I was a dolt for thinking that her article was real. As a matter of fact, call me a dolt, because in the beginning I really did think it was real. Why? because I meet women like her in the field all the time."

    "A woman was watching us put up GAP (genocidal awareness project) signs. I went up to her after we got them up & asked her what she thought about them. She said that they were horrible and that she knows what abortion is & that it can be horrible. I thought she was on the pro-life side. I was wrong. She followed it up with the usual pro-abort midstream thinker statement "I disagree with it, but I wouldn't tell a woman what to do with her body". I did a double-take & continued the conversation. "Why wouldn't you have the right to tell a woman that she can't kill her child?" I asked.

    Because it's the way things go
    > What do you mean?
    There are just things that happen the way they do
    > What?
    There are many things that happen & we don't have control over them, that's just the way it is
    > An abortion is just killing a child at an early age right?
    > And that's ok with you?
    Might be
    > "Ok, let me pose this scenario to you, let's say there's a woman standing in front of you. Her young daughter is yanking at her dress pulling on it saying "mama" over & over, let's say she's a real pest.
    > Then, suddenly, her mother reaches down & strangles that child to death. Is that okay with you?
    Might be

    About this time I have goose bumps & for one of those many moments in my life I'm really scared of another human being.

    > I say, all right, how about this, a man comes up to you & rapes you viciously, cuts your throat & throws your lifeless body to the ground, only to walk away with a smile on his face...would that be okay with you?

    Her - would just be the way things go, so be it.

    Let me tell you, this conversation lasted a while & I couldn't believe the things she was saying. She spoke with a perfectly straight face, was totally honest, & scared me out of my mind. I believe that people who believe that the murder of children/human beings in the womb are the ones who have lost their minds & should be feared."

    Hahahaha, that woman probably just wanted to scare 'Pete', lol.

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