Global warming...

Out of context: Reply #161

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  • PonyBoy0

    PonyBoy, would you have believed "An Inconvenient Truth" if it were narrated by the dude from NOVA?....or, at the minimum, would it have been more believable to you?
    (Jul 7 06, 13:13)

    Enter response:

    first off, I haven't seen the film yet. Second - it's all politics and you're kidding yourself if you think it's not.

    Should I take photos of my recycle bin for you?... should I show you my vehicles emissions records based on the 'clean gas' I choose to purchase?

    Just don't ask me to take a piss test - cuz god knows that test will prove that I'm a 'burner' myself. :)... that's a weed joke...

    ... oh yeah... i smoke. :)... that's a bit 'liberal'... isn't it?

    *bong sound

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