
Out of context: Reply #3

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  • bassik0

    I second the first comment.
    While I never had full blown asthma I did have a pretty bad case of bronceitous (spelling?). I used to use a beconal inhaler almost everyday for years back in primary (Aussie). Then in highschool spent a shed load more time outdoors, loads more sport and generally lived a more active life. Eventually I didn't even know why I was taking them, haven't had a recurser for about 15 years.
    Like I mentioned earlier while I never had asthma I know these two conditions are similar.
    A friend of mine swears and preachers about a particular breathing technique.
    (Someone help me out the name escapes me)
    Aparently once learned and built into your daily rutine you can cure yourself of asthma for life.
    Most findings on the condition support the belief that it is in part a mental challenge.
    Please, of course, don't think that I'm suggesting that it's a mental sickness or that it is not a physical condition.
    Hope any of that helps.
    Try the doctors then try a natropath.

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