
Out of context: Reply #20

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  • rasko40


    I think people these days feel that they need to assert how 'crazy' and 'wierd' and 'leftfield' they are, that may involve going to strip clubs or strange pseudo S&M parties (ie; not the real thing), having big tattoos or down to little things like riding a crazy bike or a controversial t-shirt (shock horror!), all of these things are people trying to express just how at one with themselves they are, how they really can 'be who I am', even if it really is at one with their natural selves and makes them look like an idioticly smug, media-fed cockslave.

    I also attribute this phenomena with the stupendous increase in binge drinking over the last 10 years, it's as if, thanks to magazines like Loaded and shows like Jackass, people feel that when they go out they have to outdo each other in doing something 'crazy', in playing the fool. The truth is that for most people, they are only comfortable enough in losing their dignity like this when they are utterly shit-faced, so down go the vodka and red bulls, and up the nose goes the old grunt. Voila! - instant twats.

    And thus, the degredation of social skills, the perpetuation of shitty trends and the wankerdom of youth continues to shed big bucks for the priveledge of being basically - just like everybody else. The irony is thick, and expensive.

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